What Pfizer also has NOT provided: The ingredients, The results data, An independently peer-reviewed study! To save you reading the 120-page study design, here's the summary: · The vaccine has NOT been tested on children, pregnant women, people taking medications and individuals with comorbidity (Yet the plan is for all of the above to receive the vaccine) · Pfizer doesn’t plan to release the results data for independent scrutiny for another 2 years · Pfizer did not assess vaccine reactions in all 43,000 participants (just a random subset of 8000) · Pfizer only reported severe reactions that occurred in more than 2% (860 people). In other words, if 800 people suffered a severe immune reaction, they did not have to report it because it occurred in less than 2%!! · Pfizer will not submit the study for peer-review until they’ve completed their analysis of safety data. Let that sink in – the vaccine is approved and they have not finished analysing the data” (And the fact that they have indemnity when/If things go wrong..... 5